Guidelines In Dispensing of medicines
(Pharmaceutical Preparations)
As it is everything else, it is important to plan your work in dispensing of pharmaceuticals. In dispensing prescriptions, the following steps could be used with benefit to make accurate and correct preparations.
First and foremost, you have to check whether the four parts of the prescription, namely :-
- Superscription
- Inscription
- Subscription and
- The Signature or the label are there on the prescription,
Secondly you must go through the ingredients to find out their nature. Depending on the nature of the ingredients only the method of prescription depends. for example, when the ingredients are soluble, a simple solution will have to be made.
Thirdly the quantity of the preparation required will have to be found out as it is on this that the calculation is based. In the case of mixture and emulsions, the quantities are usually given for one unit or dose and one has to calculate for the number of doses or units to be prepared. On the other hand if the quantities are given for 1000 or as per percentages, in the metric system the calculations can be made directly based on the basic amount given.
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